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What is your Dosha

Vata Characters

  • Vata is made up of air and space.
  • Vata qualities are cool, dry, light, and mobile
  • Its primary location is the colon. Vata is located in, and as the space in the open cavities of, the body—such as the spaces in between bones and joints, particularly in the lower back, pelvic area, and hips.
  • Vata is responsible for all physical and mental movements. It is responsible for breathing, circulation of tissues, thinking, movements, elimination of wastes, etc.

Pitta Characters

  • Pitta is made up of fire and water.
  • Pitta qualities are hot, sharp, acidic, intense, oily.
  • Its primary location is the small intestine. Pitta is also located in the liver, spleen, eyes, skin, blood, heart, brain, etc.
  • Pitta is the transformative force responsible for all biochemical reactions in the body. It produces digestion, metabolism, courage, clarity, glow, complexion, lusture, intellect, and vision.

Kapha Characters

  • Kapha is made up of water and earth.
  • Kapha’s qualities are stable, oily, heavy, dense, smooth, and cool.
  • Its primary location is lungs. It is also located in the upper part of the body- head, nose, throat, chest, fatty tissues, ligaments, tendons, etc.
  • Kapha is responsible for stability, structure, growth, protection, endurance, calmness and cohesion, memory, learning capacity, and promotes the qualities of love and calmness.

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What is Vata Dhosa?

Vata Dhosa is one of the three Dhosa or biological energies in Ayurvedic, a traditional system of medicine in India. Vata represents the energy of movement and governs all bodily functions that involve movement such as breathing, circulation and elimination.

What is Pitta dosha?

Pitta is one of the three doshas in Ayurveda, which is the traditional system of medicine from India. It is characterized as being hot, sharp, intense, and focused.

What is Kapha dosha?

Kapha is one of the three doshas in Ayurveda, which is the traditional system of medicine from India. It is characterized as being heavy, slow, and steady.