Crusted, Norwegian, Scabies.

What is Crusted Scabies

This type often happens in people with faulty immune systems. It tends to form crusted areas covering a large area of skin. If you have crusted scabies, you might have millions of mites instead of the 10 to 15 mites common with classic scabies.

Root Cause

Scabies is caused by tiny mites that burrow into the skin. Scabies are an itchy skin rash caused by a tiny burrowing mite called Sarcoptic scabies. Intense itching occurs in the area where the mite burrows.


  • Crusted scabies develops in people who have a weak immune system due to a medical condition, the elderly, and people who are living in institutions.
  • Crusted scabies develops when the person’s body cannot develop any resistance to the mites.
  • Without resistance, the mites quickly multiply.
  • A common sign of crusted scabies is widespread crusts on the skin
  • These crusts tend to be thick, crumble easily when touched, and look gray in color.
  • Sometimes the crusts appear on one or a few areas of the body such as the scalp, back, or feet
  • Between the fingers
  • Underneath the nails, or in the nail beds, which may cause the nail to split
  • Spread over the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, Elbows, Knees


  • People can get scabies from contact with someone who has scabies
  • Crusted scabies can pass on through skin-to-skin contact, as well as through clothing, bedding, or furniture
  • There is currently no known cause for someone developing crusted scabies rather than the less severe form
  • There may be a link between crusted scabies and higher levels of disease-fighting white blood cells, along with the antibodies IgE and IgG
  • Two types of white blood cells, called lymphocytes and eosinophils, invade the dermis layer of the skin
  • A person also has a higher level of lymphocytes than usual

Home Remedies to treat Crusted Scabies

Remedy – 1: Essential Oil

Materials Used: Tea Tree Oil

A study showed that tea tree oil was more effective in killing the scabies mites (scabicidal properties) than other commonly used agents. Moreover, it also showed minimum side effects during the trial.


  • You may use tea tree oil as a natural home remedy for scabies by applying a tiny bit of this oil to your rashes
  • For example, use a cotton swab and gently dab the tea tree oil onto the rashes
  • You can also dilute some tea tree oil in coconut oil and apply it to your rashes as a scabies home remedy
  • However, if you experience any allergic reactions, discontinue its use and reach out to your healthcare provider for accurate treatment

Product Link: Tea Tree Oil

Remedy – 2:

Materials Used: Clove oil

Clove oil has antimicrobial, anesthetic, and antioxidant properties that contribute to its healing powers. It’s also an effective insecticidal. One study published in 2010 showed that clove oil was effective in killing scabies. The laboratory tests used scabies from pigs and rabbits. Nutmeg oil was somewhat effective and ylang-ylang oil was the least effective. More human studies are needed to demonstrate the full potential of these oils.


  • You may use clove oil as a natural home remedy for scabies by applying a tiny bit of this oil to your rashes.
  • For example, use a cotton swab and gently dab the clove oil onto the rashes.
  • You can also dilute some clove oil in coconut oil and apply it to your rashes as a scabies home remedy.
  • However, if you experience any allergic reactions, discontinue its use and reach out to your healthcare provider for accurate treatment.

Though research is mostly anecdotal, the following essential oils are recommended to treat scabies:

Product Link: Clove Oil

Remedy – 3:

Materials Used: Neem

Since ancient times, the neem tree’s fruits, leaves, flowers and bark have been used for medicinal purposes. It is used to manage skin diseases and eczema. In folk medicine, neem has been used for conditions caused by insects for its insecticidal properties. Therefore, neem might be used to manage symptoms of scabies at home. There is inadequate evidence to prove the efficacy of neem for scabies, yet it is often suggested as one of the home remedies for scabies. You can use neem leaves, make a paste by crushing them with some water and then apply it to the rashes as an herbal paste for scabies.


  1. Wash the affected area with water.
  2. Dab the cloth with neem oil and apply it directly to the spots.
  3. Let it sit for half an hour (or longer, if you wish).
  4. Follow this routine twice daily until the infestation is gone.

Product Link: Neem

Other Remedies

Aloe Vera

This natural cure has antimicrobial and many other natural medicinal properties, which can speed up the healing process of scabies, insect bites, and many other skin conditions.

You should apply fresh Aloe Vera gel on your affected skin. You should let it stay there for half an hour, and then you should rinse it off with lukewarm water. You should repeat this natural treatment 2 or 3 times per day for a period of a few weeks until you notice improvements in your condition.

Also, you can grind a handful of calendula petals along with a pinch of turmeric powder. You should add two tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel, and then you should mix it well. You should apply this paste to the affected skin, and you should let it dry on its own. You should do this natural treatment two times per day for a period of a few weeks until you get a complete recovery.

White vinegar

White vinegar has an acidic nature, which changes the pH level of your skin. It is a known fact that any change in the pH level can cause mites to die.

In a bowl, you should mix equal amounts of water and white vinegar. You should apply this home remedy to the affected skin with a cotton ball. You should let it stay there for a few minutes. Then, you should rinse it off with lukewarm water. You should repeat this scabies natural treatment every day for a period of ten to fifteen days because, in this way, you will fight against the infection to cure it completely.

Cayenne pepper

This is a very effective home remedy for scabies because it will burn and kill the mites, and also it will give you relief from the problem of scabies.

In hot bath water, you should add one cup of cayenne pepper, and you should mix it. You should soak your body in this water until your water gets cold. You should be sure that you will not get water in your eyes because the pepper can cause you a burning sensation. You should rinse off the cayenne pepper with cool water. You should repeat this natural treatment once per day until the scabies are treated. People who have sensitive skin should not use this natural treatment.


To prevent scabies from coming back and to keep the mites from spreading to other people, take these steps:

  • Wash all clothes and linen: Heat kills the mites and their eggs. Use hot, soapy water to wash all clothing, towels and bedding used in the last three days before beginning treatment. Dry with high heat. Dry-clean items you can’t wash at home.
  • Starve the mites: Place items you can’t wash in sealed plastic bags and leave them in an out-of-the-way place, such as your garage, for a week. Mites die after a few days without food.
  • Clean and vacuum: It’s a good idea to clean your home to prevent scabies from spreading. This is especially true for people with crusted scabies. Vacuum furniture, carpets and floors to remove scales and crusts that may have scabies mites.
  • No Scratch: Try not to scratch the skin as this can cause infestation to spread to other parts of the body and may also cause scarring.
  • Scabies can live outside the human body for about 1 day, so it is possible to get scabies from infected bed linen and clothes. Always maintain personal hygiene and keep bed linen and clothes clean.
  • Do not share personal items such as towels, bed linen and clothing items until the infestation has cleared.
  • It is best for individuals who are affected to remain home from work, school or day care, until 24 hours after treatment when they are no longer infectious.
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