Gastritis, Stomach ulcers, Indigestion, Abdominal pain, Stomach pain, Stomachache

Root Cause of Disease

Gastritis occurs when the protective lining of the stomach weakens, allowing digestive juices to damage it. This leads to inflammation. The inflammation of gastritis is most often the result of infection with the same bacterium that causes most stomach ulcers or the regular use of certain pain relievers. Drinking too much alcohol also can contribute to gastritis. Gastritis can be caused by irritation due to excessive alcohol use, chronic vomiting, stress, or the use of certain medications such as aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs.


Many people with gastritis don’t have symptoms. People who do have symptoms often mistake them for indigestion. Other signs of gastritis include

  • Bloating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Feeling extra full during or after a meal
  • Loss of appetite
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Losing weight without meaning to
  • Upper abdominal (belly) pain or discomfort
  • Vomiting blood
  • Losing weight without meaning to
  • Upper abdominal (belly) pain or discomfort
  • Frequent upset stomach or diarrhea
  • Burping


Gastritis occurs when something damages or weakens the stomach lining. Different things can trigger the problem, including:

Excessive alcohol use

Alcohol can irritate and erode your stomach lining, which makes your stomach more vulnerable to digestive juices. Excessive alcohol use is more likely to cause acute gastritis.

Autoimmune disease

In some people, the body’s immune system attacks healthy cells in the stomach lining.

Bacterial infection

H. pylori bacteria are the main cause of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease (stomach ulcers). The bacteria break down the stomach’s protective lining and cause inflammation.

Bile reflux

The liver makes bile to help you digest fatty foods. “Reflux” means flowing back. Bile reflux occurs when bile flows back into the stomach instead of moving through the small intestine.


Steady use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or corticosteroids to manage chronic pain can irritate the stomach lining.

Cancer treatment

Chemotherapy drugs or radiation treatment can increase your risk of gastritis.

Older age

Older adults have an increased risk of gastritis because the stomach lining tends to thin with age and because older adults are more likely to have H. pylori infection or autoimmune disorders than younger people.

Home Remedies to treat Gastritis

Remedy- 1: Green Tea

Drinking green tea with raw honey has several potential benefits for healing gastritis. Consuming green tea extract may reduce blood sugar levels and decrease gut inflammation and permeability.


  • Heat the amount of water you are going to use.
  • Add the green tea bags and pour the water.
  • Let it steep for 5 minutes and remove the tea bags.
  • When the drink is warm, add the honey.

Product link: Green tea 

Remedy -2 : Yogurt

Yogurt contains probiotics that keep the digestive system healthy. Probiotics are good microorganisms that kill harmful bacteria, improve digestive health and regularize bowel movements. They also inhibit the progression of the stomach infection caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori which is the leading cause of gastritis. Yogurt is thought to reduce inflammation by improving the integrity of the intestinal lining. And, by bolstering this layer of tissue, endotoxins — produced by gut bacteria — cannot cross into the bloodstream and promote inflammation. Yogurt has a definite role in controlling acidity. It is a natural antacid like milk and buttermilk. It has been proved time and again that gastric problems are healed through natural means.

Product Link : Yogurt

Remedy- 3: Coconut Water

The antiseptic properties of coconut water and coconut milk help in managing gastritis by killing harmful bacteria. Coconut water also helps to strengthen the immune system and improves the healing process of the stomach lining. Coconut water has a high fiber content, which promotes digestion and prevents acidity from resurfacing.

Product link: Coconut water

Other Remedies


It has been shown that chamomile tea can help to soothe the intestinal walls, which will give you relief from the sudden pain and help to eliminate gas. You can add one or two teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers in a cup of hot water, cover it and let it steep for 5 minutes or more. You can drink this home remedy several times per day because it can help to improve gastritis in a long run.


Some doctors say that shredded raw papaya is really good if you suffer from inflammation of the stomach. Also, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to it. You should not worry that the lemon juice is citric acid because a few drops of it will not be detrimental to your health.


This home remedy is rich in Vitamin U which can heal ulcers. Also, this vitamin can heal the stomach lining and get rid of gastritis in a period of a few days. You need to cut the cabbage into pieces and juice it with a help of your juicer. Then, extract a cup of fresh cabbage juice and drink it. Also, you can add celery and a few carrots, so you will make this juice healthier and tastier.


There are some studies in which are shown that garlic extract can help to reduce the symptoms of gastritis. You can crush raw garlic and eat it as your natural treatment for gastritis. If you do not like the taste of raw garlic, then you can chop the garlic and eat it with a spoonful of peanut butter or wrapped in a dried date. The sweetness of date or peanut butter can help to mask the garlic flavor.


Some preventive measures for gastritis include

  • Avoiding fatty, fried, spicy or acidic foods.
  • Cutting back on caffeine.
  • Eating smaller meals throughout the day.
  • Managing stress.
  • Not taking NSAIDs.
  • Reducing alcohol consumption.
  • Not lying down for 2 to 3 hours after a meal.
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