Chest Cold, Acute Bronchitis.
Root Cause of Disease:
Acute bronchitis is usually caused by viruses, typically the same viruses that cause colds and flu (influenza). Antibiotics don’t kill viruses, so this type of medication isn’t useful in most cases of bronchitis.
The first symptoms of acute bronchitis are similar to those of a cold or flu.
Typical symptoms
These symptoms can include:
- runny nose
- sore throat
- tiredness
- sneezing
- wheezing
- feeling cold easily
- back and muscle aches
- fever of 100°F to 100.4°F (37.7°C to 38°C)
After the initial infection, you’ll probably develop a cough. The cough will likely be dry at first, and then become productive, which means it will produce mucus. A productive cough is the most common symptom of acute bronchitis and can last from 10 days to three weeks.
Another symptom you may notice is a change of color in your mucus, from white to green or yellow. This doesn’t mean that your infection is viral or bacterial. It just means that your immune system is at work.
Emergency symptoms:
Call your doctor if you have any of the following symptoms in addition to the ones listed above:
- unexplained weight loss
- a deep, barking cough
- trouble breathing
- chest pain
- a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher
- a cough that lasts longer than 10 days
Acute bronchitis is most often caused by a contagious virus. The same viruses that cause colds can cause acute bronchitis. First, the virus affects your nose, sinuses, and throat. Then the infection travels to the lining of the bronchial tubes. As your body fights the virus, swelling occurs and mucus is produced.
Causes of acute bronchitis include viral and bacterial infections, environmental factors, and other lung conditions.
Viral Infection:Viruses cause 85 to 95 percent Trusted Source of acute bronchitis cases in adults. The same viruses that cause the common cold or flu can cause acute bronchitis.
Bacterial Infection: In rare cases, bacterial bronchitis can develop after a viral infection of bronchitis. This can result from infections by bacteria such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, andBordetella pertussis (which causes whooping cough).
Irritants: Breathing in irritants such as smoke, smog, or chemical fumes can cause inflammation in your trachea and bronchial tubes. This can lead to acute bronchitis.
Other lung conditions:
People with chronic bronchitis or asthma sometimes develop acute bronchitis. In these cases, acute bronchitis isn’t likely to be contagious because it’s not caused by an infection.
Home Remedies to treat Acute Bronchitis
Remedy- 1: Ginger (అల్లం)
Materials Used: Ginger, Honey, Water, Lemon
Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties protect against cancer. It is also used as a herbal remedy for upset stomach and nausea, and can serve as an appetite stimulant.
- To your tea mug, add a slice of fresh ginger or ¼ tsp ground ginger, a squeeze of lemon, and 1 tsp of honey.
- Add your hot water and let the ginger steep for a few minutes before drinking.
Remedy-2: Salt water (ఉప్పు నీరు)
Materials Used: Salt, Water
Saltwater is rich in minerals like magnesium, zinc, iron and potassium. These can help reduce inflammation, protect our skin and heal any scrapes, cuts or sores. Salt water can also help enhance the flow of lymph fluid, which can reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Salt water may help break up mucus and reduce pain in your throat. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water. Sip small amounts of the salt water and gargle at the back of your throat. Do not swallow the water. Instead, spit it out in the sink. Repeat as often as you like. Afterward, you may want to rinse your mouth with plain water.
Remedy- 3: Orange Juice (నారింజ రసం)
Materials Used: Oranges, Knife, Squeezer
Orange juice is nutritious, but it’s important to limit your consumption because of its high sugar content. Orange juice is an excellent source of Vitamin C. One cup contains twice the daily recommended value. Vitamin C supports your immune system and may be effective in fighting against the common cold.
- Rinse the fruit well under running water and pat dry with kitchen issues.
- Cut the fruit into 2 parts.
- Remove the seeds as much as possible with the help of a knife.
- Squeeze the halved oranges over a glass, to extract the juice.
- Simply remove any seeds left in the juice.
When using onion as your natural remedy for treating bronchitis, you are relieving the phlegm and mucus from the symptoms caused by bronchitis. Also, the onion juice prevents a buildup in the future. You should eat one teaspoon of onion juice on an empty stomach. It is recommended to eat onion juice in the mornings. Also, you should use onions when you are cooking. You can add raw onions when you are preparing salad for you.
Sesame seeds
These seeds are proven to people who are suffering from bronchitis. Sesame seeds are also helping people who suffer from bronchitis relieve their chest pain.
You can make a mixture from one teaspoon of linseed or flaxseed, one teaspoon of sesame seeds, one teaspoon of honey, and a pinch of common salt. Mix those ingredients. You should consume this mixture before you go to bed.
Also, you can make another mixture of two tablespoons of water and ½ teaspoon of dry sesame seed powder. You should take this mixture twice per day.
Oregano oil
If you have deep coughing and soreness, then you can use oregano oil as your natural treatment. If you are suffering from bronchitis, then you should put a few drops of oregano oil under the tongue. You should use this remedy once per day. You will reduce the symptoms caused by bronchitis.
You can help prevent acute bronchitis by staying healthy and avoiding germs. Wash your hands with soap often to kill any contagious viruses.
If you smoke, the best defense against acute bronchitis is to be quiet. Smoking damages your bronchial tubes and puts you at risk for infection. Smoking also slows down the healing process.
Other steps you can take to avoid acute bronchitis include:
- Wear a mask over your nose and mouth when using lung irritants. These could include paint, paint remover, or varnish.
- Get a flu shot every year.
- Ask your doctor if you should get a pneumonia shot, especially if you are over age 60.
- Clean your hands.
- Get recommended vaccines, such as the flu vaccine.
- Don’t smoke and avoid secondhand smoke.
- Increase the humidity in your home or use a humidifier
- Take over-the-counter pain relievers to reduce inflammation, ease pain, and lower your fever. These could include acetaminophen (1 brand name: Tylenol) or ibuprofen (1 brand name: Advil). Never give aspirin to a child. It has been linked to Reye syndrome, which can affect the liver and brain.