Inflammation, Soreness, Myalgia, Meditation, Epsom salt, Acupuncture.

Root Cause of Disease

Pain can be caused by injury, inflammation, impact, stress, or chemicals. These nerves transmit this stimulation to your brain, via your spinal cord, for processing.


Myositis, or general muscle inflammation, may be caused by: autoimmune disorders in which the immune system attacks muscle. an allergic reaction following exposure to a toxic substance or medicine. A virus or other infectious organisms such as bacteria or fungi Muscle aches (myalgia) are extremely common.

  • Fibromyalgia, especially if aches and pains last longer than 3 months
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Myofascial pain syndrome, which causes inflammation in muscular connective tissues called fascia
  • Infections, such as the flu, polio, or bacterial infections
  • Autoimmune disorders such as lupus, dermatomyositis, and polymyositis
  • Use of certain medications or drugs, such as statins, ACE inhibitors, or cocaine
  • Thyroid problems, such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism
  • Hypokalemia (low potassium)


Signs and symptoms will vary, depending on the severity of the injury, and may include:

  • Pain or tenderness
  • Redness or bruising
  • Limited motion
  • Muscle spasms
  • Swelling
  • Muscle weakness
  • Heart palpitations or an increased heart rate
  • High blood pressure
  • Headaches
  • Shaking
  • Chest pains
  • Feeling breathless or hyperventilating


A muscle strain is an injury to a muscle or a tendon — the fibrous tissue that connects muscles to bones. Minor injuries may only overstretch a muscle or tendon, while more severe injuries may involve partial or complete tears in these tissues.

The main causes of muscle pain are:

  • Nutritional deficit
  • Dehydration
  • Sprains and strains
  • Sleep deficiencies
  • Extended Physical Activity
  • Infections, diseases, and hereditary conditions

Home Remedies to treat Body Pains

Remedy – 1: Ice packs

Materials: Ice towel or Ice Pack


Ice towel:

  1. Dampen a towel with cold water
  2. Fold it and place it in a plastic, sealable bag
  3. Place the bag in the freezer for 15 minutes
  4. Remove it from the freezer and place it in the affected area

An ice pack or cold compress:

  1. Put ice in a plastic, sealable bag
  2. Fill partially with water
  3. Seal the bag, squeezing the air out of it
  4. Wrap the bag in a damp towel and put it on the affected area

Product link: Cold/Hot Pack

Remedy- 2: Warm Bath in Epsom salt

Materials: Epsom Salt and warm water.


Use 2 cups of Epsom salt for a standard-size bathtub filled with warm water.

  1. Pour the salt into running water to help it dissolve faster into the bath
  2. Soak in the tub for at least 12 minutes, or 20 minutes to treat muscle soreness

Adding a few drops of diluted cinnamon bark essential oil may also help ease muscle pain. Cinnamon bark oil has a warming effect on the skin that some find soothing on sore muscles. A 2017 study also found it to be a promising anti-inflammatory agent.

Adding essential oils, such as lavender or peppermint, can offer additional aromatherapy benefits, such as relaxation and improved mood.

Product link: Epsom salt

Remedy- 3: Rest and elevate

Materials: Relaxed mood and Elevating positions.


Elevate the injured area above the level of your heart, especially at night, which allows gravity to help reduce swelling.

Remedy- 4: Meditation and Acupuncture

Materials: Acupuncture needles


  1. Sit upright comfortably
  2. Breathe deeply
  3. Gently close your eyes
  4. Slowly scan your body, and notice any sensations
  5. Be aware of any thoughts you are having
  6. When your mind wanders, focus on your breath
  7. Gently open your eyes when you are ready


  • Needle insertion: Acupuncture needles are inserted into various depths at strategic points on your body. The needles are very thin, so insertion usually causes little discomfort
  • Needle manipulation
  • Needle removal

Other Remedies


It has been shown that therapeutic massage can help to loosen the tight muscles, get your blood flowing and calm your mind. Also, it has been said that massage can help to reduce the pain in people who have osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, but the results are mixed.


It is known that this home remedy has anti-inflammatory and healing properties that can help to fight body ache and boost immunity. You should add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of hot milk and stir well. Then, let it cool for about five to ten minutes and stir a teaspoon of honey. You should consume this mixture on a daily basis, preferably before going to bed to get better sleep.

Mustard Oil

This is one of the best home remedies which can help you in the treatment of body pain. You can get a gentle massage with some lukewarm mustard oil all over your body. You should let your body soak in the oil for a minimum of 30 minutes before you wash it off with warm water. You should do this natural treatment once per day, so you will get rid of the persistent body aches.


In many cases, potassium deficiency is the reason for body pain and muscle aches. You should consume 2 bananas on a daily basis, so you will counteract the deficiency and it will provide your body with instant energy.


This home remedy has potent healing, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties, which make it one of the most sought–after remedies for treating body pains, as well as improving overall health. You should add one teaspoon of cinnamon powder to one glass of warm water and stir it well. Then, add some honey to this home remedy and consume it right away. You can have this home remedy on a daily basis to get the best results.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which are making it a miracle home remedy. You should mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into a glass of warm water. Then, you should add honey to this mixture and drink this home remedy two times per day for a period of at least two to three days for the best results. Also, you can put two cups of apple cider vinegar in warm water and soak your body in it. You will have a nice relaxing bath which can help you to get rid of body pain.


Regular stretching and strengthening exercises for your sport, fitness, or work activity, as part of an overall physical conditioning program, can help to minimize your risk of muscle strains.

There are also some simple changes people can make to their lifestyle to prevent muscle stiffness. These include:

  • Exercising regularly
  • Warming up and down before and after exercise
  • Stretching the muscles
  • Wearing the correct footwear during exercise
  • Wearing warm clothing in cold weather
  • Practicing good posture
  • Ensuring furniture at home and work gives comfort and support
  • Avoiding long periods of inactivity
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