Back pain, Epidural injection, Interventional procedures, Lumbar spinal stenosis, Neurogenic claudication. Root cause of disease Neurogenic claudication is typically caused by spinal stenosis, which is sometimes called pseudo claudication. This is a narrowing of the space around your lower spine, which can put pressure on your spinal cord directly. It can also compress the blood…
Category Archives: Lumbago
Anthropometry, Spinal ROM, Back extension muscle. Root cause of disease It is often caused by standing for too long, accompanied by symptoms like leg pain, numbness, tingling, or pain after high impact activities. You may reduce the pain by easing the pressure off the spine. Symptoms Causes Home Remedies to treat Extension Dominant Back Pain…
Lumbago, Lumbar pain, Backache. Root Cause of disease Lumbago can be caused by several factors, but the main reason is the overuse of the lower back and the sudden lifting of a heavy load. Lumbago can be the result of excessive bending or other repetitive motions involving the lower back. Types of lower back pains:…