Migraine, Headache, Neck pain, Stress, Tension, Neuralgia, Throbbing head, Pounding head, Cephalalgia.
Root Cause of Disease
Chemical activity in your brain, the nerves or blood vessels surrounding your skull, or the muscles of your head and neck can play a role in primary headaches. Some people may also carry genes that make them more likely to develop such headaches. Conditions that might cause chronic daily headaches include inflammation or other problems with the blood vessels in and around the brain, including stroke.
- Slow onset of the headache
- Head usually hurts on both sides
- Pain is dull or feels like a band or vice around the head
- Pain may involve the back part of the head or neck
- Pain is mild to moderate, but not severe
- Fever
- Infection
- High blood pressure
- Muscle weakness, numbness or tingling
- Excessive fatigue
- Loss of consciousness
- Balance problems and frequent falls
- Vision problems (blurry vision, double vision, blind spots)
- Mental confusion or personality changes
- Seizures
- Dizziness
- Nausea and vomiting
- Fluctuating estrogen levels may cause migraines, as well as imbalances in serotonin.
- Many factors can lead to changes in brain chemicals and hormones, such as birth control pills and poor nutrition.
- High intake of alcohol and caffeine.
- Poorly managed stress, or chronic stress.
- Sensitivity to bright and flashing lights, loud sounds, and strong odors.
- Certain medications, such as sleeping pills and over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers.
- Certain foods, such as processed meats and those with high amounts of yeast.
- Food preservatives and additives, such as monosodium glutamate (MSG) and aspartame.
- Dehydration.
- Skipping meals.
- Too much time in front of TVs, computers, and other screens.
Home Remedies to treat Headache
Remedy – 1: Coffee/Tea
Materials: Caffeine
Caffeine, in the form of coffee, tea and guarana berries, may be used to relieve migraines and headaches. The analgesic (pain relieving) properties of caffeine have been observed in lab studies. However, caffeine should be used cautiously as it can induce headaches in some people as indicated by a study.
Guarana Powder
You may use guarana powder to make tea by boiling some powder in a cup of water. Then, you can sip on this tea to relieve headaches.
PRODUCT LINK: Caffeine powder, Guarana powder
Remedy- 2: Peppermint Oil
Materials: Peppermint Oil
Inhaling the aroma of peppermint or peppermint oil may help with headaches. According to other studies, peppermint tea might help.
- To make peppermint tea, boil a few peppermint leaves in water and let it steep in for a while.
- You can strain this mixture into a cup and add honey to taste.
- Your peppermint tea is ready to drink.
- Sipping this peppermint tea may help decrease your headache.
Product link: Peppermint oil
Other Remedies
If too much heat is produced in the body, then it leads to headaches. So, it suggests cooling down the body to decrease the pain. Drinking some buttermilk or tender coconut water and massaging castor oil to the soles of your feet and onto your scalp are a few things that you should try. Including coconut oil in your meal could be a great addition if the heat produced is high.
Ginger Tea
Ginger is packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components that are proven to bring relief from headaches. Along with headaches, drinking Ginger tea can also reduce nausea and vomiting.
Yoga To Relax
Yoga is a great way to relieve stress and improve your physical and mental wellbeing. It also may help reduce the frequency and intensity of your headaches.
Studies have shown that practicing yoga for three months may reduce the frequency and severity of headache symptoms.
Apple cider vinegar
You can add two cups of apple cider vinegar to hot bath water. It is known that the apple cider vinegar draws the excess uric acid out of the body and it give you a relief from the headache. Also, the apple cider vinegar can help you to feel better so you should try this home remedy.
Cold compress
You can use a cold compress to reduce the symptoms of headache. You can apply cold or frozen compresses to the neck or head because it will decrease the inflammation, constrict blood vessels and slows nerve conduction and all of them can help to reduce the headache pain. You can fill a waterproof bag with ice and wrap it in a soft towel. You should apply the compress to the back of the neck, head or temples for headache relief.
This mineral is important for many functions in the body, including blood sugar control and nerve transmission. It has been shown that magnesium is a safe and effective home remedy for chronic headaches. There are some studies in which are said that magnesium deficiency is more common in people who have frequent migraine headaches compared with people who do not.
Drink Water
Dehydration can lead to tension, headaches and migraines. So, drink plenty of water during the day to prevent dehydration-induced headaches. You can also eat water-rich foods like watermelon, cucumber, or oranges. Drinking water can help you get relief from headache symptoms.
Lifestyle Changes
There are ways to reduce your risk of a migraine or at least make it less severe. Following these tips and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a good start.
Eat regular meals three times each day including protein, fruits, vegetables and carbohydrates. Low blood sugar can trigger a headache. Avoid excessive amounts of ordinary sugars. Rapid changes in blood sugar may provoke a migraine. Avoid excessive amounts of processed foods.
Moderate exercise three to five times each week for 30 minutes will help reduce stress and keep you physically fit and alter the body chemicals that cause and prevent a headache.
- Have proper sleep
- Limit Caffeine and Alcohol
- Reduce Stress
- Preventing eye strain