Urticaria, Rashes ,Itching, Skin rashes, Weals, Welts, Nettle rashes, Stress rashes, Heat hives, Hives treatment, Urticarial rashes, Dermatographic urticaria, Hives rash, Hives treatment, Cold urticaria, Hives on face.

Root Cause of Disease

Hives occur when a trigger causes high levels of histamine and other chemical messengers to be released in the skin. These substances cause the blood vessels in the affected area of skin to open up (often resulting in redness or pinkness) and become leaky. This extra fluid in the tissues causes swelling and itchiness.


A skin rash triggered by a reaction to food, medicine or other irritants. Symptoms can last anywhere from minutes to months – or even years.

While they resemble bug bites, hives (also known as urticaria) are different in several ways:

  • Hives can appear on any area of the body; they may change shape, move around, disappear and reappear over short periods of time.
  • The bumps – red or skin-colored “welts” with clear edges – usually appear suddenly and go away just as quickly.
  • Pressing the center of a red hive makes it turn white – a process called “blanching.”

There are two types of hives – short-lived (acute) and long-term (chronic). Neither is typically life-threatening, though any swelling in the throat or any other symptom that restricts breathing requires immediate emergency care.

Chronic hives occur almost daily for more than six weeks and are typically itchy. Each hive lasts less than 24 hours. They do not bruise nor leave any scar. They typically do not have an identifiable trigger.


Hives are often associated with allergic reactions, they can also be triggered by:

  • Stress
  • Medications
  • Insect bites or stings
  • Sunlight
  • Cold temperatures
  • Infection
  • Other underlying conditions

Identifying what triggered your rash is crucial. If you can identify the trigger, you can avoid contact with it and prevent more hives from forming. Hives generally fade within 24 hours and don’t require treatment.

Home Remedies to treat Hives

Remedy – 1: Aloe vera

Materials: Aloe vera

Aloe vera is an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic that can cool down the skin while preventing infections. This can help soothe swelling and pain.


  • Take a aloe stem and wash it thoroughly
  • Now leave it upright in a container for sometime to remove the toxic latex out of it
  • Then scoop out the aloe gel using a spoon and apply it on the affected area
  • There is no need to wash this and can be left overnight

Product link: Aloe vera

Remedy – 2: Oatmeal and baking soda bath

Materials: Oats, ½ cup baking soda, warm water

Oatmeal and Baking soda bath can soothe the skin and gives relief.


  • Combine ground oats and baking soda in a sealed container.
  • Draw a warm bath, and add 1 cup of the baking soda-oats mixture. Relax in the bath for no more than 30 minutes.
  • Then generously apply a healing moisturizer like aloe or coconut oil to still-damp skin when you get out.

Product links: Oatmeal, Baking soda

Remedy – 3: Cold Compress

Materials: Ice cubes, Wash cloth

Cold compresses can occasionally provide mild relief from bothersome itching and the inflammation that often accompanies it. The cold temperature offers a numbing effect on the targeted area and helps to decrease related swelling.


  • Put some ice cubes in a clean cloth and rub it over your rashes slowly in equal intervals provide relief from itching
  • Take a comfortably cool bath. Find relief from itching in a cool shower or bath.

Remedy – 4: Vinegar and Sugar Balm

Materials: Vinegar, Ice cubes, Wash cloth

Vinegar is laden with antiseptic properties which reduce skin infections and decrease irritation. Imbued with glycolic acid, sugar is a natural exfoliating agent that not only removes dead cells, dirt, debris but also soothes big red bumps in hives to reveal soft, blemish-free skin.


  • Mix the vinegar and sugar in a bowl
  • Warm the water slightly and add it to the mixture
  • Apply on swollen skin with hives to pacify itching

Product links: Sugar, White vinegar

Other Remedies


This home remedy has anti – inflammatory properties which can help to stimulate the body’s natural anti – inflammatory corticosteroids. Also this home remedy is considered as a very effective antihistamine and antioxidant for hives and a variety of inflammatory skin ailments. You should mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder in one glass of hot milk or water.

You should drink this home remedy two times per day. Also you can add turmeric in your cooking and you should take turmeric supplements after you have talked with your doctor. If you are taking prescription blood thinners, then you should not take this home remedy.

Apple cider vinegar

This is also a very effective home remedy for hives. Also it has antihistamine properties which can give you a quick relief from the inflammation very quickly and this will regulate the immune response of your body. This plays a key role in restoring your overall skin health. You should add 2 cups of apple cider vinegar to a bathtub filled with warm water. You should soak in it for 15 – 20 minutes once per day. Also you can dilute apple cider vinegar with an equal amount of water and you should use it to wash the affected skin 2 or 3 times per day.

Also you can mix 1 – 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in one glass of water. You should add a little lemon juice and honey to improve the taste. You should drink this home remedy 3 times per day. You should follow some of the mentioned home remedies every day until your condition improves.


This herb is known as a wonder drug. It can be used as a natural treatment for hives because it has strong anti – histamine and anti – inflammatory properties. This home remedy targets the enzymes and genes which can trigger inflammation and this in turn will improve the circulation to the skin, reducing itching and relieving swelling. You should boil one tablespoon of fresh ginger, ¼ cup of brown sugar in ¾ cup of vinegar for several minutes. You should mix a little of this home remedy with warm water and dab it on the affected skin several times per day.


To lower your likelihood of experiencing hives, take the following precautions:

  • Avoid known triggers. If you know what has triggered your hives, try to avoid that substance.
  • Bathe and change your clothes. If pollen or animal contact has triggered your hives in the past, take a bath or shower and change your clothes if you’re exposed to pollen or animals.
  • Avoid consuming allergic food and medicines to prevent more intensive hives from occurring in the future.
  • Wear comfortable clothing
  • Calamine lotion has excellent abilities to soothe itching
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