Nasal carcinoma, Sinonasal carcinoma, Sinonasal malignancies, Skull base cancers.

Root Cause of Disease

Smoking and being around people who are smoking. Breathing in air pollution. Long-term exposure to chemicals and irritants in the air at work, such as wood dust, fumes from glue, rubbing alcohol and formaldehyde, and dust from flour, chromium and nickel.


Most sinus cancer is found in the sinuses in your cheekbones. Sinus cancer is most often found in people over the age of 40, although it can occur at any age.

Sinus cancer symptoms include:

  • Blocked sinuses
  • Changes in vision, such as double vision
  • Chronic headaches
  • Lump on the face or roof of your mouth
  • Lump or sore inside your nose
  • Nosebleed, especially from one nostril
  • Pain in the upper teeth or loose teeth
  • Pain or pressure in your ear
  • Runny nose, especially on one side
  • Sinus pain or pressure
  • Tingling or numbness in your face

Risk factors for sinus cancer include:

  • Smoking
  • Exposure to certain chemicals or dust from jobs such as sawmill work, leather tanning, woodworking, flour mill or bakery work, and welding or soldering.


Certain lifestyle behaviors and environmental factors, such as smoking and exposure to carcinogens, may increase the risk of developing sinus cancer. Risk factors for sinus cancer also depend on the location as with nasal cavity cancer or paranasal sinus cancer and the types of cancer involved.

Factors that increase the risk of sinus cancer may include:

  • Workplace exposure to certain chemicals and substances, including woodworking (exposure to wood dust) and working with nickel and other heavy metals
  • Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), known for causing “mono” (mononucleosis) in young adults
  • Smoking and tobacco use
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Exposure to high doses of radiation therapy, particularly in the head or neck region, including radiation for retinoblastoma.

Home Remedies to treat Sinus Cancer

Remedy – 1: Ginger

Materials : Ginger, Honey, Water, Lemon

Ginger and Honey are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties protect against cancer. It is also used as a herbal remedy for upset stomach and nausea, and can serve as an appetite stimulant.


To your tea mug, add a slice of fresh ginger or ¼ tsp ground ginger, a squeeze of lemon, and 1 tsp of honey. Add your hot water and let the ginger steep for a few minutes before drinking.

Product Link: Ginger

Remedy – 2: Steam Inhalation

Steam inhalation can be helpful for sinusitis as it causes clearance of the nasal passages leading to drainage of the sinuses easily. It is a straightforward remedy, and all you need to do is boil water and inhale the steam. For added benefits, you can add a few ingredients like lemon leaves, the whole plant of thumbai (Gophaa), or Tulsi leaves in the water while it’s boiling.


Allow the steam to enter your nose and mouth by breathing normally though your nose and mouth. Do this for 10-15 minutes. You will need to top up with just-boiled water 2-3 times as it will cool and lose the steam.

Remedy – 3: Turmeric 

Materials : Turmeric, milk

Turmeric, also called Haldi, is used widely for its medicinal properties, especially in India and China. It has various biochemical components that impart the property of alleviating inflammation and acting as an antioxidant. The uses of turmeric are broad; therefore, it finds its use in dealing with sinusitis as well. In Ayurveda, turmeric is used for managing sinusitis, cold, cough, and runny nose. Turmeric powder can decrease the triggering of allergies, which may cause sinusitis.


you can make use of it by mixing a little bit of turmeric in warm milk and drinking it. 

Other remedies

Cod Liver Oil 

In a study, cod liver oil as a treatment option for rhinosinusitis was studied, and the results were positive. Most of the participants of the study showed improvement in the symptoms of sinusitis and a decrease in the number of hospital visits as well. However, there is a need for more studies in this area as there is limited research showing the efficiency of cod liver oil for sinusitis. You can use fish liver oil or cod liver oil found in the markets in liquid form and use it for cooking or mixing a little bit of it in water or milk and drinking it. 


Cineole is a common derivative of eucalyptus oil. It is present in many plant-based essential oils and has various therapeutic effects. It stops inflammation, increases the clearance of the mucous lining of the nose, and reduces pain as well. In addition, it might help alleviate the symptoms of sinusitis. You can make use of cineole which is present in many oils, and apply it to your forehead, nose, and ears. You can also add a few drops of the oil to warm water and drink it. 


Pineapples have many benefits for sinusitis. The clinical trial findings show that pineapples can help relieve the inflammation of nose mucosa, alleviate breathing difficulty, and lower nasal discomfort. All of these properties are beneficial in managing the symptoms of sinusitis. Therefore, you can use pineapples as a home remedy just by eating them as a fruit or drinking it as a fruit juice. 


Although many individuals who develop sinus and nasal cancer do not have any obvious risk factors, it is still important to understand the risks and do what you can to prevent the disease.

Today, awareness has increased in industries where the risks are high, and safety measures have improved to protect workers from exposure to health hazards.

Other ways to prevent sinus cancer includes:

  • Abstain from smoking
  • Protect yourself from HPV by reducing your number of sexual partners and using condoms. Additionally, an HPV vaccine is now available for adolescents.
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